''Silvertown Quays will become a thriving and self-sustaining community where knowledge and resources will be shared to benefit all whilst an unwavering commitment to sustainability will allow a high quality and robust future for residents and businesses alike.''
The below 3 principals provide a robust foundation for the development and will guide the design of this new urban quarter. A further set of objectives, formulated from these principals, have been put in place in order to set tangible goals which will guide implementation and ultimately decide the success of the development once complete. 4 separate environmental goals that are deemed nonnegotiable set out the actions needed to create a truly sustainable neighbourhood.
The area's diverse population will be supported and celebrated whilst the dock's rich heritage will be preserved for the enjoyment of all.
Physical connections will integrate the site into its context whilst community facilities and events will allow stronger personal connections to form.
The creation of social and lifetime housing, local jobs and community centers will provide the opportunity for people to live, integrate and stay within the area.
Restoration and integration of the Mills and Silo D back into the public realm to allow enjoyment and appreciation of the site's unique heritage.
The transformation of Silo D into a cultural venue where the area's unique diversity can be shared and celebrated. ​
To create a permeable townscape where existing communities are welcomed, to explore and benefit from an extensive range of services.
50% affordable housing allocation (in line with Newham's Local Plan policy) and Lifetime Homes Standards used throughout.
To establish a creative hub where a continued schedule of events acts to bring members of the community together to ensure longevity.
40% of commercial, retail and hospitality units to be catagorised as 'accessible to all' in order to support local businesses and enterprise.
To increase connections with the blue network, to both improve quality of life and maximise the waters potential to provide sustainable solutions.
The creation of 40 training apprenticeships for local people with a fully supported legacy program ensuring the scheme continues into the future.
The production of food and a robust network of independently owned services will support a sustained circular economy.
A safe and expansive public realm will support micro-mobility with cars discouraged to create a low traffic neighbourhood.
All buildings will need to meet BREEAM standards with local energy production methods implemented.
Re-use of buildings and materials will make best use of embodied carbon. All excess materials will be disposed of responsibly.
Community will be at the heart of the new development.
The 3 principal foundations along with the 8 core design objectives are formed from extensive research that has taken place to date. It is imperative that Silvertown Quays responds to its local context and the needs and wants of local residents as it is situated in an area with some of the highest deprivation levels in the city, where development to date has commonly been insular and exclusive to only an affluent few. Therefore, for the scheme to be hailed a real success, its benefits must stretch far beyond its boundaries.
In response to Newham Councils recent questionnaire which highlighted the need for opportunities for young people, Silvertown Quays has pledged to create a minimum of 200 training and apprenticeship opportunities for local people. In addition, commercial retail and hospitality units will be built with small business owners in mind and offer short leases, flexible workspace and live/work units. It is essential that the area is not overcome with international companies, such is the case in neighbouring Canary Wharf, as this will drain profits, prevent a circular economy for forming and stifle the rich diversity of enterprises in the area currently.
In response to the shocking statistic that 27,000 people are currently on Newham's waiting list of which 7,000 are children living in temporary accommodation, a minimum of 50% of residential units will be allocated as social housing. The area is also understood to house many transient communities and this inability to settle and form a connection with home creates many negative consequences for both individuals and the wider community. Therefore, housing units will be able to adapt with residents changing circumstances, allowing families to grow, contract and stay for longer. Flexible layouts, stairways built to support low mobility and entire floors that can become self-contained will help to achieve this.
Lessons can be learned and successes implemented from other waterfront regeneration projects. Heritage has been central to the redevelopment of Battersea Power Station where the historical structure now stands proud at the heart of complex. The Millennium Mills and Silo D structures are just as iconic to the docklands where a similarly strong connection to heritage and impressive skyline can be achieved.
The Coin Street development in London showcases how regeneration can be a success without compromising the needs of people and the planet. A similar triple bottom line approach must be implemented at Silvertown Quays where the borough faces similar struggles to those faced in Lambeth before Coin Street was created, such as a lack of employment and social housing for local people.
Dublin Docklands provides an international example of how the creation of a hub can boost the economy and attract inward investment to fuel regeneration however caution must be exercised to ensure that a growth and competitiveness model does not become dominant.
Lastly in Nante, redevelopment of former industrial land has benefited from strong political leadership and a comprehensive future strategy to ensure continued growth for the cultural district. Such strategy is essential to the success of Silvertown Quays and a strong emphasis on culture sits well with the aspirations and local context of the site .
Inclusive growth model.
Regeneration of Silvertown Quays will follow an inclusive growth model to enable investment to be directed for the benefit of all. Due the scale of the project, external investment will always be needed however this model will ensure that more is done to grow the community sustainably whilst placing equal importance on the economy, society and the planet. Community wealth building will play a vital role in rebuilding a currently fractured social fabric and will help to generate strong community connections that will sustain a local, circular economy.