Overall phasing plan.
Phase 1 will see the south west portion of the site developed to include four residential blocks, one mixed use block consisting of a superstore with apartments above and Silo D complete with the new adjoining Silo Park. This site has been chosen as the first phase due to the necessary social infrastructure that it will, including a long awaited superstore, public open space (in the form of Silo Park) and a center of culture (Silo D itself) that will act as a draw to the site and reinforce the social fabric of the area.
The decision has been made to remove the terrace of housing fronting Mill Road however existing residents will be re-homed within new, high quality and energy efficient units. These units will be located as close to residents' old homes as possible and they will be the first to occupy the new development in order to minimise any disruption to their lives.
Phase 1.
Phase 2 will see the formation of the new shopping boulevard, three mixed use blocks consisting of retail/hospitality/residential, two commercial office blocks and the 'glass tank' events space. The shopping boulevard will attract residents from the wider area and support the increased footfall from the commercial offices as well as providing employment opportunities for local people. A number of new apartments will cater to the increase in employment as well as generating capital for the creation of the glass tank.
Phase 2.
Phase 3 consists of solely residential housing with 6 blocks being constructed in total. The two perimeter blocks both stand at six storey's high and will solely accommodate apartments, a large percentage of which will be affordable. Fronting the waterside are 16 smaller buildings centered around 4 garden courtyards that have been specifically designed to foster a sense of community. These take full advantage of water views and are low rise to ensure the properties sitting behind benefit from a view too. Due to their location, these units will be some of the most expensive within the development and therefore the completion this phase will generate an income to ensure the viability of further phases.
A waterside park will also be constructed and at this point, the floating productive beds will be established to support the new incoming residents and growing community.
Phase 3.
Phase 4 comprises mostly of residential however a more diverse range of housing typologies will be constructed. Two terraces of townhouses will line a narrow, low traffic street and these will accommodate large young or extended families. Some units will incorporate internal car ports whilst all will have immediate access to the green corridor that leads to the waters edge.
Due to the busy A road that runs parallel to this phase, the design incorporates perimeter parking and a 6-storey office block that create a natural buffer from the noise pollution and potential safety concerns. A parade of retail units also sit alongside the road and a small community center is planned at the heart of this phase.
Phase 4.
The last phase of this project will see the Millennium Mills building converted into its final use. Although this building will be a landmark of the development, the restoration is estimated to cost a large sum of money. Therefore, other phases will need to be constructed first to allow profits to be realised that can then be reinvested back into the restoration. Furthermore, due to the desire to deliver as much affordable housing as possible, it is important that no funds are directed away from this worthy cause which has been the case on previous, similar projects.